Wednesday, September 24, 2008

RegCure Complaints - Read Before Buying

There are virtually all kinds of products and services readily available on the Internet. With just a few clicks of your mouse, these products and services can be yours. Advertising gimmicks have taken on a new level, and we find ourselves curious and intrigued by products and services that claim to do wonders - for our body, our love life, our job, our health, our computer. In fact, we let ourselves get carried away and, without doing some research on the reliability, effectiveness and safety of these products and services, we buy them at whim. By the time we find out we've been scammed, it's already too late.

To avoid being had by companies that employ hoaxes and misleading advertising baloney, it's important that we do our homework before purchasing anything online. Do a little background check, ask around for the company (that is selling the product or service)'s credibility, and read reviews.

One such product that needs careful scrutiny is RegCure. RegCure complaints have gone global as videos about them continue to circulate on the Internet. You can find these videos on MySpace, YouTube and other websites; Google the term and you'll see all the websites that contain RegCure complaints.

RegCure is a product supposedly created to help fix computer problems. With the many RegCure complaints you'll easily find online, it's safe to say that RegCure does not succeed in doing what it's meant to do. Hundreds of complaints have been reported and the numbers continue to grow every day. Before you buy RegCure, it's best to read first the complaints made by real users against the infamous product.

RegCure is a registry cleaner. That said, it's easy to see where the complaints stem from. Basically, all RegCure does is clean your computer's registry, which is a vast space of data. Smart users know that cleaning the registry won't amount to much. It doesn't really speed up your computer in any way, nor does it rid your computer of threatening viruses and damaging malware. Cleaning the registry won't bring any significant impact, definitely nothing that's worth any amount of money.

In the world of computers, especially where problems are concerned, cleaning means deleting files. This is risky because you'll never know which files RegCure will delete in the course of its "job". Computers these days are built or programmed so that all programs and applications are interrelated, so that when you delete a file by accident, the rest of the files may become useless. Putting your entire computer system at risk is something you certainly don't want to do. The trade off is clearly unfair: the only thing that RegCure's cleaning of your registry will do is to put your computer system in danger.

While RegCure complaints continue to circulate in cyberspace, proofs of its effectiveness have yet to be found. This fact may be interpreted as a signal of the company's resignation at their Computer Repair help failure.

Don't buy RegCure until you've read the testimonials, if any, and complaints about it.

Kris Mainieri is an accomplished Computer Tech focusing on innovative and unique ways to help people take their computing performance to a whole new level free.

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